The Adams // A Family Session at Holden Beach

Happy Friday you guys! Have anything fun planned for the weekend? A trip to a museum or the farmer’s market, staying at home with a good book, or perhaps a trip to the mountains or the beach?

I had a fantastic time with the Adams a while back during their annual family trip to the beach! You might recognize them from Lauren and David’s wedding we filmed quite a while ago! I got to spend the day playing with sand between my toes and salty air in my hair, capturing memories for this sweet family. It was so special to hear their stories throughout the day – especially the legacy of the grandparents (now great-grandparents) and the sweet, enduring love they have for one another. It truly was a joy for me to capture four generations of this family, to be there for nap time and snack time, to experience the ebbs and flows of the day, to walk and sit on the beach together and share stories, and even to stay for dinner and chat late into the evening while munching on copious amounts of homemade popcorn.

Thank you, friends, for inviting me into your family for a day to capture these moments for you.